• Posted :   May 16th, 2011

    It takes guts to pull off leather pants and it definitely takes more than a pretty face to be able to wear leather pants and look chic in it. Even the seemingly impenetrable Brad Pitt was subdued by a pair of baggy, crumpled leather pants a while back. If someone with that kind of face and a volley of designers could go wrong then you can imagine exactly how tough it is for men to carry off leather pants. A lot of people write about how to wear this and how to match that and what exactly to do with a pair of leather pants. What they forget is the don’ts. Here are a set of don’ts when you choose to buy or wear a pair of men’s leather pants:

    Ill-fitting leather pants are probably the biggest fashion faux pas in the fashion kingdom. It sends off mid-life crisis sonar signals with neon lights flashing. It’s almost like a battle of wills between men and their leather pants. This sleek, good looking pair can make a fool of even the most immaculately dressed if worn incorrectly. The trick is to wear them and not the other way around!

    •    Don’t show too much cleavage
    So you may be blessed with a great body. But never show that off when you wear leather pants, button up that shirt you have combined your leather pants with. Leather pants on a man are exactly like a mini skirt on a woman – balance is of extreme importance.

    •    Don’t mix fur and leather
    Horrid as this sounds only one slaughtered animal at a time is more than enough. Do not combine your leather pants with a furry top.

    •    Don’t wear round-toed shoes
    You may be looking suave and you may have purchased the perfect pair of leather pants. But the effect can be completely killed with the wrong pair of shoes. Opt for slightly pointier shoes would give a longer over-all effect.

    •    Don’t buy a pair that fits like sweatpants
    Do not ever buy leather pants that are too large and baggy unless you are looking at cargos.

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